Welcome to the Discover France! Art Boutique...  

DiscoverFrance.net welcomes you to our online Art Gallery & Framing Service, in association with Art.com, the largest Internet art dealer!

Moulin de la Galette

Moulin de la Galette
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1876)
36" x 24" Wall Poster

Here you will find thousands of prints, including reproductions of works by more than a hundred of the finest French masters (and expatriates who adopted France as their own). Revel in photographic scenes of Paris, colorful vistas of provincial France, and vintage Art Nouveau posters. Many of these are available in several sizes to suit your decor, and quality custom framing is also available at your option.

Blue Dancers

Blue Dancers
Edgar Degas
24" x 32" Fine Art Poster

Be sure to explore all the various menus on the left (particularly "Miscellaneous Galleries"), which will reveal a number of surprising and delightful collections you might otherwise miss. In the unlikely event you cannot find a specific artist or style you seek from among these menus, take advantage of our Search Engine to locate any item from the convenience of your desktop.

Most in-stock selections are offered at discounts of 20%, and may be ordered by clicking on the shopping-cart link next to each item. Thanks to state-of-the-art encryption technology, you have our assurance that online credit card orders are totally secure. All orders will be fulfilled directly by Art.com, and your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed!

Please visit our Guest Book, let us know what you think, and suggest any particular artists or themes which you'd like to see featured by DiscoverFrance.net in the future. Thank you for your patronage and support, which will sustain our ongoing efforts to provide you with a useful and informative collection of resources on France!

Ian C. Mills, Managing Director

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