Most popular books from Victor Hugo...  

The selections shown here represent the most popular books of Victor Hugo — mostly the English translations. To see a complete listing of all books available for any novelist, historian, philosopher, poet or playwright, simply enter your keyword(s) in one of the search boxes below.


In order to offer you the widest possible selection, we provide two different search boxes:

    (1.) The one on the left will present you with titles from our U.S. catalogue, which are shipped from distribution centers in the U.S. For residents of the North American continent, the shipping costs from this catalogue will be most economical.
    (2.) Some titles — such as French-language editions or other books from European publishers — may not be available from the U.S. catalogue. In these instances, you may wish to search the French catalogue (on the right). The resulting pages will be in French, and titles shown will be shipped from distribution centers in France. (see chart for worldwide shipping charges)

Search Tips: try the keywords "French" and "theatre" to find a variety of treatments on this topic. To locate volumes by a specific author, simply enter their name (the last name will usually suffice). If you prefer to see all editions of a particular title, try entries such as "Waiting for Godot", "Misanthrope", "Bald Soprano", etc.

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